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Daniel's blog for MA Fine Art: Digital
Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
NPG Francesca Woodman and Julia Margaret CameronPORTRAITS TO DREAM IN
It's interesting how Francesca Woodman used photography to create dream-like photographs, many lacking sharp focus or are under or...
Last session of the 1st year
Today was the last session of the first year of the journey on the MA Fine Art Digital. (Challenging year!) But what a session it was! We...
Notes and Ideas for the Research Paper
erosion, dissolving, dissolving memory things break, things become unfixed, things get lost, things get washed away forgetting -normal...
Counting blessings
I didn't post for a while, I have few drafts which I wrote during the past days but I didn't finalised them and post as it was hectic,...
Long night
The night was very long. Million of thought wondering trough hell. I felt very hot and I was worried I'm getting a temperature. Me...
Bumpy road
Today was awful as Shaazia went through a lot. They still trying to find out what's going on with her. She's not stable, she feels tired...
Terrible moments
I am experiencing the most horrible times to present. My wife Shaazia is unwell. The woman that keeps me going is in hospital. My love...
Dummy concertina book
I'm playing with sequencing for a concertina book I'm making of the work on the river Thames I am aiming to create a visual flow when...
Reflection on flow, memory and energy
I’m trying to understand the energy of Thames river. So I will try to write down my thoughts, as coherent as I can. The river, like the...
Washing machine as an art work or clean clothes
My washing machine stoped working couple of days ago, we had it for 15 years, it did a good job until now. We purchased it when Shaazia...
Light. Polution.
I like making images, but sometimes, I don't take photos at all. It is like I need to make images fast. It feels better after. Now, I...
Class exercise
write about yourself in 3rd person what you did last week Daniel last week updated his blog and thought about his practice and his...
Embrace the chaos
Embrace the chaos Don't try to dissect and understand everything Play with awakeners be awkward Make photos-reflect -read-make photos...
New journey
In one of the groups made by Jonathan while in class, one of my peers asked me if I only make political work. Reflecting, I realised that...
Learning Cycle
Kolbs Learing Cycle In class Jonathan presented the Kolbs Learning Cycling In the context of art making the theory or concept can be used...
Tutorial with Jonathan 30oct23
The tutorial was helpful as we explored the avenues I wanted to explore. I am drawn to learning different methods of printing, such as...
In-class reflection exercise
Practice-based research: What is my own practice? Photography -replication apparatus using the replication apparatus to record what I see...
Class exercise
Daniel last week created his blog and posted his first post, raising the question about his role as a photographer. He also had been...
How do you respond to the encouragement to be surprised, puzzled and confused?
Donald Schön is not writing specifically about artists, so when he says ‘carry out an experiment’ what do you think that could look like...
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