The tutorial was helpful as we explored the avenues I wanted to explore.
I am drawn to learning different methods of printing, such as screen printing, and possibly etching from digital photographs.
I also talked about the way I was shaped to be what I am today since childhood and by finding out, I'll be able to understand how I can move forward and use it in my art-making
Screen printing : layers of color, one color to 20 colors or cmyk or mix inkjet plus screen -differnt ways fo working woth the process.
Experiment and refelvct on wjat working what not
Look at my struggle and overcom the fear- idnetifie the fears
Distrupt the process to challange
Jonathan asked me this question during the tutorial: "Working at my best, What does it feel like?
It was a hard question, as I would like to say that I don't know yet. I want to believe that I didn't achieve that yet and that I am in the pursuit of "my best". But working within my art practice bring a whole range of feelings; somehow, I feel free to drop down any guard that I might carry, and I can allow myself to "be exposed" and not feel;ing vulnerable. That's because I am more interested and concerned with connecting with what I am creating. When I make photos or work on them, I am fully immersed in a different world. A world of wondering, free of any "chains". Its like a feeling a glims of what it means to be free.